Wikipedia: Napoleon Charles Bonaparte, born December 10, 1802, Prince Royal of Holland. When he died on May 5, 1807 at 4? years of age, his body lay in state at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. He is buried at Saint-Leu-La-Foret, Ile-de-France.
2. Napoleon Louis Bonaparte, born October 11, 1804. Became Prince Royal of Holland on his brother's death, and was King Lodewijk II for one week between his father's abdication and the fall of Holland to Napoleon's invading army. He died on March 17, 1831, and is buried at Saint-Leu-La-Foret, Île-de-France.
3. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, (1808-1873). Born in Paris, he was the third and last son, and would become Emperor Napoleon III of France (1852-1870).