, 41G Grandfather
OccupationKing of the Franks 447-458
Notes for Mérovée
Se Europäisch Stammtafeln Bund I tafel 1
I følge noen kilder sønn av Mérovée, en Sigambrisk høvding som døde i ca 448. Kan være at Clodius er bestefaren...?
Medieval tradition reports that the Merovingians had a supernatural origin. Gregory of Tours, the foremost Frankish historian, tell us that Merovee, the founder of the dynasty, was the son of two fathers. The first king of the Franks, Chlodio, was one father. The other was a strange sea creature, "similar to a Quinotaur" according to Gregory of Tours, who impregnated his mother while she was out bathing in the ocean. From this, he was given the name Merovee, "son of the sea." Merovee is also "son of the mother" and "son of Mary."